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 3773考试网 - 英语四六级 - 考试辅导 - 正文


来源:2exam.com 2014-3-24 19:53:39





  Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should 

  1) describe the picture, 

  2) interpret its meaning, and 

  3) make a comment on the phenomena. 


  As autumn winds blow, leaves fall. Having separated from a tree, leaves decompose into the earth and eventually return to a tree's original roots. Hence the saying: “fallen leaves are destined to return to the root.” 

  The picture above depicts the motion of leaves towards the root, which in turn can be interpreted as the intense bond Chinese feel towards their motherland. 

  More and more overseas Chinese are returning or have already returned to China. Despite the length of time they have spent abroad, or regardless of the life they may have lead, they are often disposed to return to their roots, to come home. It is commonly said that blood is thicker than water. Because they are grateful for their homeland's nourishment and support, they return to contribute to the construction of their country with the knowledge, experience and wealth acquired abroad. This inclination is an expression of people's attachment to, and love of, their homeland. Patriotism is a prevailing emotion among the overseas Chinese. The Chinese still living in China should also cherish and love their country, and give back with their knowledge and actions in order to cultivate the country's present and future.




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